Quarantine has us all trying something new. From house projects, to working out more (not me), to cooking and making our own bread, having time during this pandemic to just be home has caused most of us to try something that has been on our neverending to-do list. For me, I had 2 quarantine goals: learn the ukulele and finally record a podcast. I must say, I am pretty proud of myself for accomplishing both. I can jam out to a few songs on my uke, AND have season 1 of the Wednesday With Whitney ... VIEW POST
Distance Learning Tips, in Podcast Form
Morning Meeting Tips for Virtual Learning
Let’s face it, we all know that virtual learning is not ideal for anyone. Yes, it is the safest option for students, teachers, and families right now, but that doesn’t make it easy! Teaching virtually is a whole new world. Teachers of all ages are starting from scratch and getting ready for a year full of NEW. However, just because this school year is new doesn’t mean it can’t be engaging! One thing that has really helped me in my virtual classroom is keeping a routine, just like I would in ... VIEW POST
Teacher. Tired.
I don’t know about you, but after I shut off my Zooms for the day, I have never been more exhausted. Teaching online is so different, and it really drains you. I feel now that since all of my teaching is done online and with a computer, it is so hard to shut off and really stop working. I mean, I don’t leave my laptop at school, and I constantly have my phone with me, so it is so easy to just keep working. Anyone else relating to me??? Before distance learning, I was so good at ... VIEW POST